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Creating a Parallel Currency

to Fulfill Basic Human Needs

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According to Aristotle: the opportunity for survival is, “given by Nature.”

The most basic beginnings of survival are the everyday tasks that sustain us and our family. We must grow or shop for food, have access to or buy potable water, have a safe place to take shelter from the weather and store the necessities of life. We create a baseline for life. Also

education is essential to this creation, either self taught or formal. And good healthcare is also essential. When we talk about the baseline of survival there is no hierarchy, no “ them or us.” If something works it is adopted and perfected for the use of all. This is how we survive. Things

necessary for life must not be hoarded or monetized.

Basic needs, not money. We can create a parallel stream of all the “needs dedicated” currency necessary to make available food, shelter, education, healthcare for all people from birth to death. We let it circulate and it can only be used for basic needs. If it is digital it can circulate in a closed loop indefinitely. Leaving existing wealth making currency unaffected.

Universal Basic Income cash is a short term fix. Will stimulate the economy in the short term, and help people in the short term. It does not change the money sequence dynamic. It doesn't help people from birth into the future. And it can be turned off and on by the whims of politics.

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    Basic human needs are the least expensive products in an economic system. Unfortunately, the inflation of their prices is the most extreme. Basic food resource location and efficient distribution to wherever people are Worldwide, this is possible today because of extraordinary advances in communication and the internet. Artificial Intelligence becomes dangerous if it is allowed to make money only. If it is also used on behalf of humanity for best practices in agriculture, shelter construction, education and healthcare then it becomes beneficial. If we empower all people, we make a safer World. Artificial Intelligence, ( which is really all our intelligence combined) can create functions that ‘spot’ all the basic needs in every locality and figure out distribution and expense. It can create an infrastructure that creates and distributes efficiently. Innovation does not have to eliminate already existing systems that are working. It just needs to illuminate what is missing. 

    “The seed is good but the flower pot, they are put in, is not large enough for them to grow…”

    Mohammed Unis

    “Capitalism is itself a kind of artificial intelligence, and it's further along than anything the computer scientists have yet coded.” Ezra Klein, NY Times

    Try to imagine ahead, “How will I think back on my life, 40 years from now?” We are pressured on all sides to get money, success, “do the right thing”… These motivators evaporate toward the end of life. Instead there are questions. Have I lived a life I can be proud of; my grandchildren can be proud of? Have I left something good for the people who have been affected by my life?

    If what we propose in these blogs makes sense to you, please discuss this with friends and acquaintances. Help us refine this concept. Let us know your ideas. We are in this together.

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    By not equating Human Energy efforts (physical and mental) within society to the realities of survival; food, shelter, education and healthcare, our World Economic System is literally throwing us to the lions. To quote Richard Nixon, "We don't need a minimum wage, we need a living wage." And, we assert that a real "living wage" should be guaranteed basic human needs, from birth to death, made possible with Energy Currency.

    Human Energy and Natural Energy are essential forces and resources that need to be protected and not sold to the highest or lowest bidder. These are building blocks from which everything else is extrapolated, and this includes economics. By not linking the value of Human Energy to the realities that guarantee dignified survival, we are told our lives are not valuable. Your value can be estimated any which way. For example, what if a crazy person asks, "How much will you pay me - to not shoot you?" Or, "How little are you willing to work for, in order to get or keep this job?" Both these questions put your life on the line. And what lack of compassion and life understanding made these questions possible?

    Is pitting person against person, state against state, country against country and religion against religion sustainable economics? Doesn't this create economic and social inequality and in turn cause negative and destructive societal tendencies? If a person is starving they might steal or sell illegal and protected items for money. If people have to leave their country (for various reasons like war, terrorism, scarcity and racism, all symptoms that are traceable to present economic practices), they may immigrate from their home countries and inadvertently create tensions where they go.

    Every person must have, from birth to death, the essential survival needs, food, shelter, education and healthcare, as a birthright. Without the healthy, educated participation of people Worldwide our World Economic System is destroying Humanity and Earth's Natural resources through opportunistic pricing.

    Can the fluctuating price on our heads be removed? Yes. A parallel currency that we call Energy Currency can secure Human Energy value to Human survival needs. This currency compliments, does not eliminate, existing for profit currencies. They will continue to serve society in important ways in the World market. But, once Energy Currency reaches a bank it will be destroyed, creating no inflation and no investment opportunity, and having provided all the basic needs for humanity, food, shelter, education and healthcare, bidding all people, Worldwide, to 'fare well'.

    You can be part of this change by simply talking with your friends and acquaintances about the possibility of Energy Currency and what it would mean for us all.

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Why Energy Currency?

Our World Economic System leaves too many people without the means for a decent living and their basic needs unmet. The current system is fundamentally a belief system which we cannot alter overnight. However, introducing a parallel currency which we call Energy Currency, presents a tangible and equitable addition to our 'for profit' economics. Rooted in the real World value of Human Energy, it can bridge the divide between the abstract nature of finance and the concrete realities of everyday life and natural resources. Global Wealth will better reflect actual contributions, fostering a more sustainable and inclusive global economy. We are proposing a parallel currency, Energy Currency, for basic human needs; food, shelter, education, healthcare and infrastructure. And this currency is destroyed when it gets to a bank so it won't create inflation.

Parallel Currencies: Pioneering a Diversified Economic Future

At the heart of our mission is fostering the cross-border sharing of innovative ideas, valuable insights and effective initiatives that emphasize the importance of a Worldwide parallel currency alongside conventional currencies. Through collaborative efforts we hope to stimulate conversation and global agreement about the adoption of Energy Currency, bringing us closer to a more diversified and resilient economic future. By facilitating this international exchange, we strive to create a network of change makers united in their commitment to building a World where 'for profit' currency coexists with a parallel currency that is dedicated to Human needs.

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Our Economic System Doesn’t Work for Most People

Could There Be a Missing Measurement?

A Human Renewable Energy Measurement (HREM) is what we think is missing from our World economies. We have no way of measuring our work energies(physical or mental). We cannot represent our value accurately in the economy. As a result there is no way to guarantee our quality of life. We believe all people should have food, shelter, education and healthcare throughout their lives.

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Our Foundation Values

This is what we do. Our goal is to propose a parallel currency, Energy Currency, used to meet basic Human needs, food, shelter, education, healthcare and infrastructure. This parallel currency is destroyed when it arrives at a bank, so it won't create inflation.

These are our cherished values that are guiding Renew the Earth. Get in touch today to learn more about our mission and principles.


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Learn More About Renew the Earth

Renew the Earth is a New York based 501c3 organized exclusively for educational and scientific purposes. Specifically, we wish to introduce Energy Currency, a parallel currency that runs alongside existing currencies and provides all basic Human needs Worldwide.


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Feel free to explore our blog for insightful articles, updates, and information related to our mission and initiatives. Stay connected with us to learn more about our efforts to promote human renewable energy measurement and a parallel currency for this measure.

29 Mar, 2024
The easiest answer would be, we need to work so that we can make money to survive. But, this answer is the result of modern economics. We will do things, we will work, whether we are paid or not. Work is a result and extension of our necessity, curiosity and identity. It can be mental work or physical work. We know each other by what we do. " You will know them by their works." Beyond " the pursuit of happiness." In order to pursue happiness effectively a person must solve the necessity of basic needs: food, shelter, education and healthcare. To accomplish this within the societal agreements of our present involves a pact with "for profit" economics. Economics plays a most profound part in every person's life. We cannot make any move without considering, "how much will it cost?" In the United States we have honed the functions of a Capitalist Economy to their finest edge, warts and all. We have all benefited from "free" markets, but the long term effect is that they enrich only a few; who for many years after the great depression voluntarily or involuntarily (because of an inspired tax structure) considered their workers and enhanced their lives with living wages and healthcare. That all ended with the Ronald Reagan administration. Breaking the Unions, introducing "trickle down economics" and changing the tax structure from very high taxes to the low 30's, stopped the faint motivation that companies had to consider the welfare of workers. Profit became the foremost concern. Consideration of the worker was labeled "socialism" defined as communist fascism, and as a result a very bad word. So, what do we have now that everything has been swept aside as unimportant, except pursuit of profit at all costs? Worldwide, people are electing dictators. They are looking for change. Unfortunately they will not get the relief from pressures they are feeling in this way. For many, money has become the "root of all happiness," the only way to balance their aspirations. A closer look reveals that change in economic practices is the way to better living. T here is an urgent need to define the value of Humanity. Individual Human works in cooperation make economics possible, make society possible. We are of intrinsic value. For that reason our Human value must be equivalent to the reception of Human Basic Needs Worldwide; food, shelter, education and healthcare. Only a healthy, educated World population can meet the challenges of the future. As has been described in previous letters, Energy Currency, a parallel currency, can pay for all basic needs without inflation or taxes. The result will be Human autonomy, which will propel us all into a future of enhanced stability, curiosity and peace. Finally, I come to our initial concept, the Human Energy Renewable Measure, HREM. What is it? It is the energy measurement that has been left out of the economic system. It measures input of Human Energy. Energy that is just as important as fossil fuels or other renewable energies that propel economies and societies. Establishment of an HREM measurement will function as a way of understanding and calculating the financing of Energy Currency. D irectors Letter, 11/5/23 Susan Caumont  " The laissez-faire market- centered approach confuses ends and means. Rather than being a source of dignity, work becomes merely a means of production; profit turns into a goal rather than a means of achieving greater goods. From here we can end up subscribing to the tragically mistaken belief that whatever is good for the market is good for society." Pope Francis, "Let Us Dream, the path to a better future" 2020
By By Jeff & Susan 07 Nov, 2023
A price can be put on anything, and values fluctuate constantly and subjectively. Why is the value of Human Energy (mental and physical), on which all economies depend, not fixed to things of real and constant necessity to us all? The price for Human Energy fluctuates; country to country, person to person. This has been the norm for thousands of years. And this norm has been the source of most of the hardships Humans suffered in the past and suffer presently.
By Susan Caumont 10 Oct, 2023
It is money that is used for a very special purpose, then destroyed when it gets to a bank and its use is over. Right now it is only a concept, but it is beginning to take form in many minds and countries. We call it Energy Currency. It is a parallel currency. It does not replace existing currencies. It runs concurrent with them. It will make possible the elimination of welfare and warfare taxes.
By Jeff & Susan 03 Oct, 2022
Money, our shared belief. We participate by mutual consent, like with other shared beliefs: religion, science, law, and government. All have affected humanity, providing order, guidance, hope or instruction. And have persisted because they work! Some work well for our benefit, others are a mixed bag, a little bit good and a little bit bad.…
long hours
By Jeff & Susan 31 Aug, 2022
Why does it cost so much in time and money to live? Have our markets made “staying alive” a commodity that is sold to each of us? “Why am I the only one that sees a problem with working 8 to 9 hours a day then going home to have about four hours to yourself,…
working hours
By Jeff & Susan 15 Aug, 2022
Many of us work from 9 to 5. But 5pm is not when our usual work ends. Some people work well past 5pm, often bringing their work home. Not to mention, there is plenty of unpaid work we do on a daily basis to take care of our homes and families. But is it always…
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Benefits of a Parallel Currency System for Humanity


Accurate Representation

Traditional monetary systems might not fully capture the non-monetary contributions individuals make to society, but a parallel currency focused on human energy could provide a more comprehensive and fair evaluation.


Recognition and Motivation

By measuring human energy in a distinct currency, individuals' contributions, such as community service, volunteer work, or sustainable practices, receive explicit recognition. This recognition can serve as a strong motivator, encouraging people to engage in positive actions that benefit society and the environment.


Holistic Economy

Introducing a parallel currency focused on human energy encourages a more holistic economy that values not only financial gains but also social and environmental well-being. This approach can foster a shift towards more sustainable and responsible behaviors, ultimately contributing to a more balanced and resilient society.

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E-book Illyria's World


Adventures with Illyria and Sunny the Robot!
By Susan Caumont | 2007

Explore the world of climate change through the eyes of a child. Experience her curiosity, empathy and dreams for a better future. Discover how even the youngest minds comprehend the challenges Earth faces and the boundless potential they hold to drive positive change.

Illyria's World is a free eBook that can be downloaded from the website Please forward to any children (Earthlings) or friends you think might be interested. Also, you may choose to to refer them to the Earthlings Letters in the blog. Where children can find suggestions for interesting experiments to do while they are experiencing Nature.

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    We join Illyria and Sunny the Robot, as they talk about what they think is real and what they imagine…

    By Susan Caumont| August 22, 2018

    Chapter 1. In which Sunny mistakes wind generators for a flock of giant white birds. Illyria explains convection to him. And some interesting conversation between them.

    Our story begins with Illyria and Sunny camping in a forest clearing. We find them waking after sleeping under the night sky.

    “Good Morning Sunny! How are you?”

    “Better I could not stand, Illyria! Though I do not sleep, I am sure I would have slept wonderfully here in this deep green quiet . What an outstanding Dawn! Her rosy fingers already reach up and paint the pale grey sky with ribbons of pink and silver. And I think I can detect the glow of her shining hair just below those tree tops.”

    Our heroes stretch and begin rummaging in their packs for breakfast. Sitting comfortably on the ground back to back, they observe their surroundings while they eat.

    “Oh, Sunny! Look, the leaves clap as the wind passes through the trees!”

    “ An ancient story of Native Americans tells us it is the giant bird Wuchowsen, who makes the wind with its wings.

    “Hold on Sunny! I have read that wind is the result of an action called convection. A process that moves heat energy through fluids.”

    “ I am certain the story is true. And I think that big bird is nearby, Illyria, feel how the wind picks up and gets chilly.”

    “ There is science written on this subject, Sunny, and there is general agreement. Asserting that you know what you don’t, gets us in trouble, remember? I hope you have not forgotten our encounter with the garbage whirlpool in the middle of the Pacific Ocean?!!”

    “No, I have not forgotten. That was unforgettable! How did we ever survive? Anyway, listen Illyria, I want to tell you about this storm bird.They say there were times when he flapped his wings so violently that he drove the water out of the shallows where the Indian families liked to fish for eels. Eventually they could find no more eels and they started to suffer from hunger. One brave Indian went to where the big bird perched on a large rock far out in the water and addressed him. “My Grandfather, you are cold; let me carry you ashore on my back.” “Do so.” was the answer. So he waded out to where the Storm King was sitting and took him on his back and carefully carried him from rock to rock toward shore. At the last rock he stumbled on purpose and dropped Wuchowsen. The poor bird broke one of his wings. The man pretended he was very sorry and bound up the broken wing. Then he directed the bird to stay where he was and not move so his wing would heal. As a result the wind died away. Eels became plentiful and the people ate well. But slowly a scum was growing on the water and the eels became less plentiful again. Wuchowsen was revisited and examined. His wing had healed. He was told to keep both wings going but the motion must be steady and gentle.”

    “Thank you, Sunny, that was a very entertaining story and I am glad you told it to me. Now sit here on the warm ground, enjoy this clearing of wild flowers and breezes, while I tell you how science explains wind.”

    The air that flows around us is made up of fine bits of chemicals and dust and quantities of the gases nitrogen, oxygen and carbon dioxide and finally, water. Chemists define water in a special shorthand: H2O. Hydrogen (two atoms) and Oxygen (one atom) When these atoms join together they become water. We don’t think our sky has water in it because most of the time its water atoms don’t take on the watery look we are used to, like that beaver pond in the distance. Water droplets in the air around us can be extremely small and far apart. We don’t even notice them! Sometimes we become aware of them when we feel sweaty then say, “Wow, it’s humid!”

    Wind happens when heat energy moves through the hotter and cooler water pockets in the sky. This is called convection. We live within this process. It is happening around us all the time. Water atoms that are lowest in the atmosphere absorb the heat of the sun warmed ground and react by moving further from each other. This causes their pocket of water to become lighter and start to rise. As this pocket rises it cools, which causes the water atoms in it to condense. This means that they bunch closer together and their pocket becomes heavier than the lighter pockets of water that are rising from below. At some point the weight of the cooler denser fluid overcomes the warmer lighter fluid that is rising and it sinks back toward the ground. This lifting and sinking action of warmer and cooler water pockets pushing each other around, causes wind. It is convection in action. It can make a gentle breeze, a violent storm or even global winds!”

    “Well, if I have heard you correctly, Illyria, what you say is more fantastical than stories about a giant bird flapping its wings… How can it be that these atoms, as you call them, make all this happen? And, by the way, I don’t see them. After hearing your entertaining speech, I am even more convinced that the Native Americans were correct.

    And I sense the bird is nearby because I feel the wind increasing. I think we will find Wuchowsen just over that ridge.”

    Sunny suddenly stands up and grabs his backpack and starts in the direction of the ridge. Illyria rises to her feet.

    “ I am afraid you are in for a disappointment, Sunny! And I’m sure we are in for an adventure. This means there is no way of predicting the outcome. Wait! I am coming with you. ”

    Together they begin their slow progress up the ridge. A narrow recently graveled road makes their way possible. When they get to the top they realize there is a still higher ridge just beyond. Wide steep steps of bluestone are typical of the Heldeberg Escarpment of New York, where they are hiking.

    “You know, Illyria, the Indians who lived here long ago made ladders of dead trees. By using the branches as rungs they could climb the steepest of these ridges. “Indian Ladder” is the name of one of the most magnificent of these giant ridge ‘steps’.”

    “How come you know so much about Native Americans and their ways, Sunny?”

    “I access that information in one of my programs, Illyria.”

    “I wonder why you weren’t given a science program…”

    “I think I can answer that. You see, I was built by two teenagers as a science fair project. They just used what they could get their hands on. As you see, Illyria, my torso is an industrial water barrel and my head is made out of metal buckets…but I am capable of learning.”

    Now they are approaching the top of the ridge and Sunny declares, “Not much further, Illyria, you will see a magnificent view up here and I’m sure we will find the giant wind bird too.”

    But, the sight they see is very different from what either expects and both see it differently.

    “Oh Sunny, look! A magnificent line of wind generators! Their graceful white blades gently turn in the wind. They are providing electricity for thousands of homes!

    “Illyria, calm yourself. You are out of breath from your climb and hallucinating, which means you experience something that does not exist. I see clearly that we are watching a flock of giant white birds perched on that ridge. They are drying their outstretched wings in the heat of the sun. Their slow flapping motion is creating the wind. What I did not expect was that there would be so many Wuchowsens! ”

    “Sunny, It is your eyes that are hallucinating.”

    “Wait Illyria! You will see them rise into the sky as I rush in on them !”

    “ Stop Sunny! A brave robot saves his strength for a more equal test, don’t you think? So many giant birds are too much even for you.”

    “ True, Illyria, there are many more birds than I expected… the story mentions just one… But, I see they don’t notice us. I will just creep up on this one that is closest and when I stand and reveal my full hight you will see all of them rise together, their magnificent white wings beating in glorious flight!”

    Illyria has given up trying to change Sunny’s mind and settles herself comfortably on a warm boulder to await the outcome.

    Sunny creeps up to the base of the nearest wind generator then rises to his full hight. This turns out to be just high enough for the slow passage of one of the blades to make contact with his head sending him flying through the air and landing him some yards away. There he lies helpless, legs and arms wriggling like a beetle on its back, while Illyria makes her way to his side. With some difficulty she manages to pry him onto his feet using a long, sturdy branch, as a lever.

    “Now you think this is not what you thought, Sunny?”

    “True Illyria, that Wuchowsen transformed just as I came close! Very clever. If I wasn’t so dizzy I would challenge him again!”

    “Let’s start our decent and leave the wind generators alone, Sunny. Sometimes you have to accept that bad luck is the best luck you are going to get. I will entertain you with descriptions of the magnet at the center of our Earth while we descend.”

    “ Maybe we can return another day? But, I do enjoy your lectures, Illyria. Yes, let’s hear that one about the magnet! The sound of your voice will help me forget the echoing in my head.”

    And so ended the adventure of the enchanted wind generators and our heroes are safely back on the woodland trail. As they progress, the late afternoon sun lights their way, casting long shadows across their path.

    “If I am not mistaken, Illyria, these shadows look like the silhouettes of monsters. They must be lurking at the edge of this forest…”

    “Just keep going, Sunny. I think I see the glint of the setting sun on water. We can have a refreshing drink and set up camp for the night. Tomorrow is another day.”

    “Now that’s something we can agree on, Illyria!”

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Human Renewable Energy Measurement

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